Quality, Environment & Information Security Policy


The main goal of Corporate Management System (CMS) of Aristi Consultants is to create a basis for the continuous improvement of the efficiency of the processes, the environmental performance and the security of information, always bearing in mind the continuous satisfaction of the needs and expectations of the identified Interested parties, up to maximum capacity

For the implementation of the above, the Management of Aristi Consultants supports and continuously applies the basic principles and rules that govern the Company's Corporate Management System (CMS), establishing objective goals for the quality / environment / information security, based on the full and constructive cooperation of both its employees and its partners.

The basic principles as they are expressed in the procedures of the Company's Corporate Management System (CMS) are:

  • Compliance with laws and regulations related to its activity and environmental performance
  • Compliance with environmental commitments as long as they are described through the contracts it signs with customers and / or partners.
  • The identification of the requirements and the implied needs of the Interested parties
  • Compliance with the requirements of the standards EN ISO 9001:2015, EN ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013.
  • The recognition of the possible risks & opportunities related to the activities of the company and the measures to prevent - deal with them.
  • The continuous support of the customer after the sale as well as the constructive cooperation with all partners
  • The continuous information and training of the staff
  • The continuous enrichment and expansion of Business knowledge.
  • The investigation of the causes of non-compliances or complaints and further identification of the corrective actions
  • The prevention of any pollution can occur from its activities.
  • The protection of its interests and those who trade with it and trust it for the use and circulation of their confidential data
  • The assurance of the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information produced, received and circulated in the context of security projects.
  • Maximization of the reliability of its information resources.

The principles of the Corporate Management System (CMS)  as well as the objective goals for the quality / environment / information security, are reviewed at regular intervals by the Company Management in order to adapt to the new needs of the direct and indirect Interested parties, the legislative requirements but also to achieve the goal for continuous improvement of the Company's operations.

Through the continuous reviews of the above, the Management of Aristi Consultants is in a constant search to identify both human and logistical needs. Management is committed to providing the necessary resources to meet the needs, as they arise and are shaped by the existing situations, to the maximum of its capabilities. In this direction, the Head of the Department of Quality, Environment and Information Security from the Administration was appointed, as Head of Quality, Environment and Information Security.

All departments of Aristi Consultants have the responsibility to respond, assimilate and implement the procedures required by the Corporate Management System (CMS)  through their daily activities.

It is also the responsibility of the of Aristi Consultants’s Management to ensure that the Quality / Environment / Information Security Policy is communicated, understood and applicable by all the Company's employees and partners, with the ultimate goal of the continuous, stable development of its business activity with unwavering adherence to its principles and the continuous offer of excellent quality services to its Interested parties.