ISO 17020

Quality System of Inspection Bodies

The ISO/IEC 17020 standard is an accreditation standard and concerns the operation of bodies carrying out inspections. Control parameters may include quantity, quality, safety, suitability for use, etc.

Hellenic Accreditation System (E.SY.D)  accredits activities of bodies whose work may include the examination of tests, materials, products, installations, work protocols, etc. Accreditation confirms compliance with the requirements and the consequent reporting of the relevant results to interested parties (customers, authorities, etc.). λπ.).

Aristi Consultants can demonstrate knowledge and experience from a number of projects in this field, since the accreditation with ISO / IEC 17020 was a prerequisite for the start of operation of IKTEO. This knowledge and experience was passed on to a number of subsequent projects in this field.

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