ISO 17043

Accreditation of Laboratories conducting Interlaboratory Comparative Aptitude Tests

Many laboratories that perform tests (analyses) or calibrations proceed to accreditation according to the mentioned standards. ISO 15189 finds application in clinical laboratories (and ISO 17025 in non-clinical laboratories), since a number of peculiarities / differences have been incorporated in it. The accreditation of a laboratory by ESYD is a proof of the reliability of its results.

Our experience and know-how that we have developed over the years, allows us to approach even the most specialized case (e.g. organization of an external quality control scheme ISO 17043). It should be emphasized that accreditation is directly related to the infrastructure & equipment used.

Therefore, with the methodology we follow, the laboratory knows in time the required actions / improvements that it should make so that there are no obstacles in the process of accreditation.

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